Everything that has breath |
在主聖所齊來讚美 |
Praise Him in the sanctuary |
天地萬物都要讚美 |
Praise Him in the mighty heavens |
讚美 |
Praise Him |
全地齊讚美 |
All the earth praise Him |
讚美主的奇妙大能 |
Praise Him in His awesome power |
讚美主偉大的盛名 |
Praise His great and holy name |
讚美 |
Praise Him |
全地齊讚美 |
The whole world praise Him |
從黎明破曉之時 |
From the rising of the sun |
高聲讚美他 |
Let His praise be heard |
讓樂聲再響起 |
From the east to the west |
傳遍天地間 |
Ant the north to south |
凡有氣息的都來 |
Let everything that has breath |
讚美主到永遠 |
Praise the Lord forever |
讓我全人一起來 |
Let everything in my soul |
讚美主 |
Praise the Lord |