我看見榮耀君王 I see the King of glory
駕著雲彩而降臨 Coming on the clouds with fire
全地震動 The whole earth shakes(x2)
主祢用慈愛憐憫 I see His love and mercy
將我罪完全洗淨 Washing all our sin
萬民歌唱 The people sing(x2)
和撒那 和撒那 Hosanna, Hosanna,
和撒那歸至高神 Hosanna in the highest
和撒那 和撒那 Hosanna, Hosanna,
和撒那歸與至高神 Hosanna in the highest
我看見全新世代 I see a generation
興起要得著這地 Rising up to take their place
放下自己 With selfless faith(x2)
我看見復興來臨 I see a near revival
全因禱告尋求你 Stirring as we pray and seek
我們屈膝 We'on our knees(x2)
和撒那 和撒那 Hosanna, Hosanna,
和撒那歸至高神 Hosanna in the highest
和撒那 和撒那 Hosanna, Hosanna,
和撒那歸與至高神 Hosanna in the highest
求醫治潔淨我心 Heal my heart and make it clean
開啟我雙眼看見你心意 Open up my eyes to the things unseen
教我如何能愛你的百姓 Show me how to love like you have loved me
我要能觸摸你心 Break my heart for what breaks yours
我所做一切全為你旨意 Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
一生追求你直到天地廢去 As I walk from earth into eternity